更新:2019-08-21 09:32 编号:6413669 发布IP: 浏览:577次- 发布企业
- 重庆五盾科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:重庆五盾科技有限公司组织机构代码:91500105MA5UNQQQ8U
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- 重庆市江北区宁福路106号
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- 023-67912533
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- 15310912365
- 总经理
- 王俊蘅 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
将RFID和温度记录结合而成的新型监测电子标签,在完成物资身份识别的又对其所处的环境温度进行测量和记录,并用读卡器便捷提取储运过程中的温度值,可直观地判断物资储运过程中环境温度是否超过允许范围,实现品质全过程追溯。Thenew monitoring electronic tag, which combines RFID and temperaturerecording, measures and records the environmental temperature ofthe materials while completing the identification of the materials.The temperature value in the storage and transportation process canbe conveniently extracted by the card reader, which can intuitivelyjudge whether the environmental temperature in the storage andtransportation process exceeds the allowable range and realize thetraceability of the whole quality process.
冷链标签内置温度传感器和RFID芯片,实时监控标签所在处的温度变化并将数据记录在芯片当中。在一个大的冷冻仓库中,几千个小的冷藏箱,运输过程中的哪箱温度起了变化可能导致商品变质无法直接得知。通过读取标签内的信息,了解温度变化数据可以把握每一个产品在冷冻运输过程中的情况。Atemperature sensor and an RFID chip are built into the cold chainlabel to monitor the temperature change of the label in real timeand record the data in the chip. In a large refrigerated warehouse,thousands of small refrigerated containers, which changes intemperature during transportation may lead to deterioration ofgoods cannot be directly known. By reading the information in thelabel and understanding the temperature change data, we can graspthe situation of each product in the process of frozentransportation.
对冷链过程的所有产品进行实时温度监控,并在数据库中反应。商家可以通过读取标签,直接找出在运输中可能变质损坏的商品,而不用每箱检测,提高商品质量,节约管理成本。消费者可以读取对应数据,了解自己购买的产品在运输中的状态放心使用。Real- time temperature monitoring is carried out on all products in thecold chain process, and reactions are carried out in the database.Merchants can directly find out the goods that may deteriorate andbe damaged during transportation by reading the labels instead ofchecking each case, thus improving the quality of the goods andsaving the management cost. Consumers can read the correspondingdata and know the status of their purchased products duringtransportation and use them with confidence.
成立日期 | 2017年06月27日 | ||
法定代表人 | 王俊蘅 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | NFC芯片防伪标,RFID电子标签,高频电子标签,超高频电子标签,NFC动态ID防伪标,NFC开封检测防伪标,NFC易碎标签,芯片防伪胶帽,茶业芯片防伪标,白酒芯片防伪标,红酒芯片套帽,防伪防窜货系统,防伪追溯系统,芯片防伪系统等 | ||
经营范围 | 从事计算机领域内的技术开发、技术服务;防伪追溯技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;防伪产品的研发及销售;商务信息咨询;会展服务;数据处理;工艺美术品(象牙及其制品除外)、电子产品(不含电子出版物)、办公用品、日用百货、服装的销售;设计、制作、代理、发布国内外广告。**[依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动] | ||
公司简介 | 重庆五盾科技是一家专业从事NFC芯片防伪追溯的高科技公司,企业主要由商品防伪追溯系统研发团队、芯片设计研发团队、天线设计制程研发团队、区块链共识机制研发团队、电子标签个性化封装生产团队、市场产品调研及本地化售后服务团队等全产业链服务的行业精英组成。我们在商品防伪追溯诉求的细分领域里精耕细作,以本地化、一体化服务基准,致力于帮助各企业切实解决商品防伪难题。以“让天下不再有假货”的宗旨使命,努力实现“ ... |
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